Fazendas Dutra is a family run farm focused on growing sustainable coffee since 1950. Thefamily patriarch José Dutra Sobrinho started the farm with one hectare, buying a second,third and more hectares from the farm’s profi ts, always working together with nature.
Today, the family business is a reference in organic and sustainable farming practices,growing fi nest organic coffee using sustainable and artisanal methods.
Our organic farming practices prioritize soil health, biodiversity, and sustainable landmanagement, ensuring a lasting positive impact on the environment.
The Photovoltaic Solar Plant of Dutra’s Farm in Minas Gerais has the generation capacity ofelectrical energy of 1.380.000KWh by year. This energy would be enough to supply theelectrical energy of 460 houses (with medium consume of 250KWH/month).
The environmental benefi ts are expressive, such as 960 tons of CO2 that was not emitted tothe atmosphere by thermoelectric plants or either almost 10 billion liters of water that wereeconomized in hydroelectric plants.
It would be necessary about 24.760 trees in adult age to save the same amount of CO2 inatmosphere as this Photovoltaic Solar Plant saves. This resource provide enough energy tomeet our needs to power the farm every day.


Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do. From our solar panels and diverse treeplanting beyond coffee crops to our carbon-negative practices and strict water management,every effort refl ects our commitment to the environment. Our dedication has paid off, asGlobo Rural recognized us as the second most sustainable farm in the country in theirprestigious Fazenda Sustentável 2024 awards.
For those unfamiliar, Globo Rural is a leading Brazilian media outlet specializing inagricultural news. The Fazenda Sustentável award celebrates farms that demonstrateoutstanding environmental responsibility and sustainable innovation. We’re proud to be partof this movement towards a greener future!
Our Certifications

Agroforestry and Wildlife
Fazendas Dutra embraces a regenerative organic approach to coffee production, prioritizingecological balance and long-term sustainability. Our farms are a testament to the power ofagroforestry, where coffee plants thrive amidst a diverse ecosystem.
More than 5,000 avocado trees provide shade and enrich the soil. African mahogany and avariety of fruit trees further enhance biodiversity, attracting benefi cial insects and creating ahaven for wildlife. Strategically planted eucalyptus trees provide windbreaks and provide arenewable resource.
Fazendas Dutra’s ecosystem thrives with hundreds of birds and other animals, thanks to ourorganic farming practices. By avoiding harmful pesticides and embracing biodiversity, we createa haven for wildlife. Our agroforestry approach, with diverse trees like avocados, bananas, andother fruits and seeds, provides food and shelter for these creatures, fostering a healthy andbalanced environment.
Direct Trade is about building lasting relationships that create maximum mutual benefi t. Inthis model, you are buying direct from our farm and connecting roasters to producers.
We are also Fair Trade USA which is an important system, and there are many ethicalimporters, direct relationships really allow for complete transparency between buyers andsellers. Roasters see fi rst-hand the growing and working conditions at Dutra Farms, so youcan be sure that we are supporting sustainable and ethical practices.
These relationships open up the lines of communication, allowing both buyer and sellerto understand each other’s costs and agree on a price that refl ects those realities. Thattranslates into better prices for producers, and higher quality coffee for roasters. Thesecoffees come in at competitive prices and they’re totally worth it.